Monday, September 26, 2011

Just trying this out!

This is my first ever blog entry. I was inspired by my resourceful cousin who lives in the boonies in our state of Alaska. I have a never ending stream of ideas (though they usually hit me while I'm half asleep and I have trouble remembering them). Today I am working on getting misc. things done....I am always planning on "getting finished" and then get on with purposeful things. The problem is, I never get finished and I need to start living with purpose. I can be defined as many things: wife, mama, tax preparer, PTA president, crafty, CRAZY :) I want to be defined by who I am to God! This is a journey, and I am trying to make decisions that will get me there. I am abundantly blessed by good family, good friends, comfortable surroundings. I have the resource of time, as I only work outside the home during "tax season". This is a season for me to concentrate on raising my kids to be loving people of high character and to partner with my husband to help our family thrive. I am horrible about communicating through mail, phone, etc. so, I'm hoping to use this blog to stay in touch. I also hope to use it to show off my newest craft adventures. :) Rachel